This may sound whacky and totally out-there. But as chaos magicians we use whatever works. So, please read on, till the end.
There is an ascension seat on the Arcturian Space Craft called the "Light Synthesis Chamber".
First of all who are Arcturians. According to new age beliefs, they are a very advanced extraterrestrial civilisation from the Arcturus star system who wish to share their knowledge and wisdom with the citizens of Earth. They are other-dimensional, advanced star beings. Arcturians are loving and peaceful beings who love to help humans and are working towards raising the vibrational energy of Earth.
Ok, enough of the background.
So, how can this talisman help you?
This talisman is a Bilocator.
When you look at the talisman, at the same time think or speak "Bilocate".
This will immediately bilocate (meaning you are at two places at the same time) you to the ascension seat on the Arcturian Space Craft called the "Light Syhthesis Chamber". The effects last for 30 minutes. During which you can keep doing whatever you are doing or just relax and enjoy the super amazing vibes of this ascension seat.
By visiting this seat often, your vibrations will rise and your manifestation powers will get a boost. You could also do Magick while you are the Ascension Seat and see your results improve by a huge margin. Also, the vibes of the place are super-duper amazing and it will suddenly lift your mood up and raise your vibrations to a very high level.
When you order, you will get an image file as a download. Instructions to use the talisman is here only.
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